Mastery of Basic Project Management can take you from Good to Great

Project management isn't only for project managers.

It's a necessary business skill and, frankly, a life skill that can take you from good to great.

In fact, a lot of the coaching offers I see here are really some form of project management (sometimes loosely applied).

I call it "project management in disguise."

For example, something like this:

Want to get better at XYZ thing?

Here's what you need to do:

  • Set your goal

  • Create milestones

  • Break milestones into measurable tasks

  • Meet regularly to hold yourself accountable

  • Evaluate and incorporate findings as you iterate

Project management people, does that sound familiar?

For the record - I think this is great!

(And also, yes, I'm generalizing here. I understand there's also a lot of theory and nuance and other complicated stuff that I'm glossing over in order to make a point.)

❓ How has project management helped you achieve your goals?


I Used to Believe Work was Supposed to be Soul-sucking


Focus on goals and strategy before execution