4 Lessons I’ve Learned to Grow My Audience

The best way to learn about personal branding is by putting yourself out there.

I won’t pretend to be an expert, but I sure have learned a lot through my own experience doing this.

When I showed up on LinkedIn one year ago, I had close to zero followers. As of this moment, I’m at 8,280 and growing by the hour. 💪

(By the way, personal branding is about more than numbers, but they can be a good indicator that your messaging is making an impact.)

And now, as I’m continuing to build my personal brand and also helping clients develop and execute their own strategies, I’m learning more and more everyday.

Here are a few key lessons I’ve realized:

⭐ Use your own words to explain things you are interested in. It can take some practice to find your voice, but it’s better than sounding like everyone else. It is your “personal” brand, after all. 😉

⭐ Have opinions and don’t be afraid to share them tactfully. People will disagree, people will unfollow, people might even say rude things, but if you can’t confidently stand up for what you believe is right, then what’s the point?

⭐ You don’t need to tell your full story all at once. Weaving bits and pieces together over time is how you slowly build a complete picture of who you are. Your personal experiences, value system, skills and interests can all be leveraged to tell your story.

⭐ On that same note - you don’t need to share everything! Share what makes sense for you, what you are trying to accomplish, and where you are at on your journey.

❓ Are you building a personal brand? What have you learned? Or, what’s holding you back from doing this?


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